So as most people have had, dreams are some of the best, weirdest and crazy things you can see. The dream can be so good that you wish you were there forever and can be so weird that you force yourself to wake up. One of the weirdest ones I had was the other night when I was dreaming of a cave and I was with my brother. To set the scene imagine your doing one of those adventures with a group of friends and you guys want to take a trip to a cave(kind of like a horror movie setup). Well that was me in this scenario. I was in one of those spots in the cave where it is very tight and there is very little room to move. I was talking to my brother who was on the other side of me, I guess. So there I am staring at this crack in the rocks and I see a couple big ants(this is where it got uncomfortable) TRIGGER WARNING. I see the ants and I can tell they are mating, but for some reason I keep asking my brother the same question over and over and over again and that is "where are the eggs." He keeps replying with the same answer every time because its a dream "there are thousands of them right there" and then slowly as if my eyes were zooming in on a website I start to see it. The thousands of eggs of the ants and then I realize that I am stuck and can't move anymore and start to panic. Then I woke up. It was one of those dreams where you wake up and are so glad that its not real. There is a idea that dreams speak to your unconscious ideas and fears kind of like the thinking Sigmund Freud's Unconscious mind ideology. This is definitely true in this scenario because I am not a fan of bugs especially big ones due to the fact of the weird composition of the body. Where they are somehow furry and skeletal at the same time.
Here is the classic picture that is always shown when talking about Freud's conception.

Dreams--the best chance of getting your teacher off topic begin with talking about dreams
Should not have read this before bed 😬🐜