So as I mentioned in the post about my bed I can sleep in every way under the sun. I want to know which is the best and what I can tell you is its pretty simple and that it is not on your stomach and it is on either side or back. For me I definitely started as a back sleeper because I used to always have so many stuffed animals in my bed that it became impossible to move anywhere else. I would say that now I definitely sleep on my side, but when I moved rooms I actually switched which side I sleep from my on my left shoulder to my right. This is also weird because I sleep towards the door now and before I slept away from the door. below I put some of the most popular sleeping position and although I do the most on the foetus style I definitely do sleep in that log or starfish position a lot during my sleep.
Also these names are very weird for some of them like Yearner it seems like typos.
What position below can you relate to most when talking about your position?

Personally I am one to mostly sleep in the fetus position but I also find it very comfortable to sleep on my stomach, I have been sleeping on my stomach since I was a baby and it was actually the only way that I could fall asleep sometimes.
Most of the time I sleep in the recovery position for some reason, like that position high school health class teaches you to put unconscious people in. It kind of looks like the fetus one but with the lower leg straight instead of bent. Very comfortable 10/10 five stars
Definitely a fetus sleeper. Also need what my family calls the ''pillow sandwich", a heavy memory foam pillow on top of and under my head, so I can't hear anything.